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Self-Care: Mind Body Master Class
Course intro.
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Welcome video. (2:24)
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Diet Culture explained so you can finally change how you eat.
Wait-"Diet Culture?" What even is that?
Why do I need to know about Diet Culture?
Harm #1 of Diet Culture
Harm #2 of Diet Culture
Harm #3 of Diet Culture
Harm #4 of Diet Culture
Harm #5 of Diet Culture
Harm #6 of Diet Culture
Harm #7 of Diet Culture
Origins of Diet Culture
So what we are saying is...
Understanding Your Story
Your Story
Someone else's story: because that's always helpful to hear.
How has dieting impacted your life?
What science has to say about the success of dieting and what exactly is the best alternative.
Why do I keep dieting, even if I hate it?
Ok, well what does science say this "new way" is going to do to me?!
Ok, but what about my weight?!
What is your why?
Why We Don't Lose Weight
Starting a new relationship with food when you are sick of always being on a diet or "off the wagon."
Trusting Your Body
Introduction to Intuitive Eating
Voices In My Head
Food Satisfaction
The truth about emotional and binge eating for those who feel stuck doing them.
Making Emotional Eating Much Less Scary (15:08)
Emotional Eating with a Dietician & Eating Disorder Survivor
Breaking the Cycle of Binge Eating (27:27)
Implicit Bias + Why It Matters
How to improve your body image when you don't want to accept your body.
Changing how you see your body even when it's hard.
Choosing how we want to participate.
Whatcha thinkin?
5 Steps to Improving Your Relationship with Clothes
More Than My Body
Moving around for people who are carrying exercise baggage.
The best thing we can do for our health-surprise: it's not our diet.
Exercise barriers.
Barriers with teasing, punishment, or pressure.
Barriers associated with weight loss goals.
How to exercise mindfully.
Barriers associated with logistics.
Barriers in asking for help.
Barriers with ability, fears, & access.
Being Willing to Suck
How to use nutrition information in a way that isn't dieting.
Gentle Nutrition
Gut check-are you ready for nutrition?
Certain foods do certain things. am I supposed to use nutrition information in a way that doesn't make me go insane?
What do we do now?
So you've completed all the what?
Voices In My Head
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